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New Features

  • PLOSSYS 5 supports scaling and rotating of small and large format jobs. (PLS-1730, PLS-1733, PLS-1782, PLS-1793, PDF-835, PDF-843, PDF-844, PDF-845)

  • New service key TLS_EXTERNAL_DIR to specify the external certificate files necessary for the services handling external requests. (PLS-1723)

  • New service key DEFAULT_AUTO_RELOAD_INTERVAL to specify the default polling interval used to auto-refresh of the jobs and printers tables in PLOSSYS Administrator. (SDT-11566)

  • New service key PRINT_PARAMS specifies if the seal-convert-ps2pdf service should read print parameters like page size or duplex from the postscript document. (PLS-1744)

  • New service key IPP_SYSTEMS specifies the authentication and proxy configuration for the source IPP systems. (PLS-1713)

  • PLOSSYS 5 recognizes TIFF jobs, converts them to PDF. For this ltiff2pdf 4.5.3 has been implemented. (PLS-1724, PLS-1725, PLS-1726, PLS-1727)

  • PDF Tools 3.7.0, sapgofupdf 9.4.1, sap2pdf 9.4.1 and sealfonts 1.4.1 are contained in the delivery. (PLS-1789, PLS-1774)

  • Raster Tools 4.1.0 and ltiff2pdf 4.5.4 revision 1.88 are contained in the delivery. (PLS-1807)

  • Ghostscript has been updated to version due to security reasons. (PLS-1806)

  • ltiff2pdf sets the job properties for page size and color to be used in accounting. (PLS-1724)

  • Changes in will be saved in the database at the end of a flow or before the call of a converter. Only the userName can't be changed. (PLS-1029)

  • All original job parameters will be kept in job.orig. (PLS-1470)

  • PDF files created can contain PJL printer commands. (PLS-1772)

  • Communication with PLOSSYS Administrator is now using the https protocol. Refer to Update under Windows or Update under Linux if you can't reach PLOSSYS Administrator after the update.

  • In PLOSSYS Administrator, the following new features have been implemented:

    • PLOSSYS Administrator has been updated to Angular 16.1.2. (PLS-1747)

    • At the printers page, the entry current job links to the jobs page to enable easier access to the job log of this job. (PLS-1384)

    • In the job log, entries with longer parameter names are better readable. (PLS-1602)

    • The key words for the scale and rotate functionality of PLOSSYS 5 are supported. (PLS-1793)

    • The job log lists the releaseJobTime for pickup jobs. (PLS-1818)


  • The logging of status changes has been improved. (PLS-1622)

  • The bug has been fixed, where a failed job could not be deleted in the PLOSSYS Administrator. (PLS-1762)

  • The bug has been fixed, where too many job parameters led to a job error. (PLS-1684)

  • The bug has been fixed, where status notifications to SAP has been sent in the wrong order. For this, the new service seal-co-notifier has been implemented. For necessary changes, refer to Update to 5.6.0 for Windows or Update to 5.6.0 for Linux. (PLS-1778)

  • The bug has been fixed, where the before_format flow of the standard format flow was executed after the flow and not before. (PLS-1835)

  • The bug has been fixed, that caused the seal-copier service to crash repeatedly. (PLS-1828)

  • The cleanup of orphaned files and chunks has been improved, to avoid seal-housekeeper crashs. (PLS-1757)

Known Issues

  • In rare cases a user can't see any installed printers in PLOSSYS Administrator due to an orphaned filter. For a workround refer to the update instructions (SDT-11328, SDT-11433).

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