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Administrate Additional Printer Configurations

Additional printer configurations in an Output Engine system can be administrated via PLOSSYS CLI.


The printer configurations are stored using case-insensitive names and overwrite exisitent printer configurations with the same names.


For the requirements for using PLOSSYS CLI, refer to PLOSSYS CLI.


Specific Output Engine Server

For administrating the additional printer configurations of a specific Output Engine server, specify the --server <plossys_server> option. Default is https://localhost:8080.

plossys printer-config <command> --server https://<plossys_server>:8080

Example - list all additional printer configurations of the server

plossys printer-config list --server

Self-Signed Certificates

Specifying the --insecure option, you avoid that the certificate will be checked by the client.

plossys printer-config <command> --insecure

User Authentication

Depending on the type of user authentication activated for the seal-rest service, you have to specify the user and the password with PLOSSYS CLI. By default, the specified user is first checked via OpenID Connect and via basic authentication as fallback.

plossys printer-config <command> --auth <auth_type> --user <user> --pass <password>

Example - show all additional printer configurations as user test authenticated via OpenID Connect

plossys printer-config show --auth oidc --user test --pass test

Using OpenID Connect, you can alternatively specify a JSON Web token (JWT) instead of a user and his password.

plossys printer-config <command> --auth oidc --bearer <jwt>

Example - list all additional printer configurations as a user authenticated via JSON Web token

plossys printer-config list --auth oidc --bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbG...

The credentials, that means user and password or the token, can also be contained in a credential file which is specified with PLOSSYS CLI.

plossys printer-config <command> --auth oidc --credential <credential_file>


List All Additional Printer Configurations

plossys printer-config list

List Only the Names of the Additional Printer Configuration

plossys printer-config list --short

Get a Specific Additional Printer Configuration

Get a specific additional printer configuration named <config_name> and output it to stdout for further processing.

plossys printer-config get <config_name>

Store a Specific Additional Printer Configuration

Store the configuration content specified on the command line as additional printer configuration <config_name>.

plossys printer-config set <config_name> <config_content>

Store the specific additional printer configuration. The configuration content is read from stdin and the printer configuration is named <config_name>.

plossys printer-config set <config_name> -

Delete Additional Printer Configurations

Delete the specific additional printer configurations <config_name_1>, <config_name_2> to <config_name_n>.

plossys printer-config remove <config_name_1> <config_name_2> ... <config_name_n>

Delete the specific additional printer configurations whose names are read from stdin.

plossys printer-config remove -

Export the Additional Printer Configurations

Export the specific additional printer configuration <config_name> to a file with the same name.

plossys printer-config export <config_name>

Export the specific additional printer configuration <config_name> to a file named <file_name>.

plossys printer-config export <file_name> --configname <config_name>

Export all additional printer configurations into a directory. Each additional printer configuration is written to a file with the same name as the one of the configuration.

plossys printer-config export <directory_name>

Import Additional Printer Configurations

Import an additional printer configuration from a file named <config_name>. The printer configuration is stored under the same name as the file.

plossys printer-config import <config_name>

Import an additional printer configuration from the file <file_name>. The printer configuration is named <config_name>.

plossys printer-config import <file_name> --configname <config_name>

Import all additional printer configurations from the directory <directory_name>. The printer configurations are stored under the same name as the one of the correspondent file.

plossys printer-config import <directory_name>

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